

„One tea please.“
- What sort of tea?“
“Just a black tea.”
- “With milk and sugar?”
“No, thanks. Just black.”
- “So no sugar? And milk?”
“No milk and no sugar please, just black tea”

First conversation and cultural “problems” in some sort of bakery after having arrived in Sydney after 18 hours of flying and some more 4 hours of waiting in terminals.
I left the rainy, cold and dark weather of beginning winter of Northern Europe behind me and went South into the beginning summer. 
Isn’t it actually amazing – you just put yourself into a plane and suddenly (or actually after quite a torture being squeezed into a small space, not being able to move, getting some sleep or not in an unnatural position and getting your parts aching) your are in the opposite part of the world.  
Driving through Sydney on a train, things look familiar and strange at the same time.  You clearly can see the British influence, history. On the other hand there are also many buildings of a quite different, own style. And I guess those beautiful violet flowering trees are not growing in Britain either.

The great time off down under has started. It’s somehow still hard to believe since I have waited for quite a long time for the opportunity to travel for some months.  You know, without a proper job you have the time but not the money. With a proper job you have the money but not the time …

Slept from 13:00 to 20:30, then I go out to search for some food. Around the corner is a Chinese restaurant, a Malaysian restaurant, a Japanese Restaurant and a German Biergarten. I have never eaten Malaysian food before, so I go there for some really nice fish curry and ginger tea and after that for a Bier.  Then back to bed..

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