This night I camp in some kind of kangeroo heaven: A lush green meadow surrounded by eucalyptus (gum) forest, in the background the higher, bare peaks of the Snowy Mountains. The sun shines, birds are singing and there is a certain smell in the air - I would now know how describe it different from "green". Hundreds of kangeroos are grazing on a meadow close to an official bush camping site. The whole szenery and atmosphere are somehow incredibly beautiful and peaceful.
At first when driving to that area, I get really enthusiastic about photographing those kangeroos. I sit in the car for a long time without moving for not to scare them away. When wanting to photograph animals patience is one of the most important factors (and I'm usually not patient - that's the secred behind me not being a good wildlife photographer ;o). The kangeroos leap here and there, come sometimes quite close to the car, sometimes they graze further. Some females have young ones in their pouches.
Suddenly the whole mob looks up: Two persons are walking along the gravel road towards them! Most of the kangeroos simply watch them but do not run away. It is an older Australian couple on the fifth or so week of their holidays. They are a bit amused about me .. tourist, kamera and kangeroos - I guess that's the usual combination. For them, the sight is quite normal.
After a chat with the couple I continue photographing kangeroos though - just that I get out of the car now and approach them carefully to get better shots.
Eastern Grey Kangeroos
Especially the young ones are very curious and really seem to wonder what on Earth this strange tourist is actually doing there sitting in the grass in front of them. Even more strange it seems to be for them how a tourist prepares the evening meal ...
--> video I made (on youtube): kangeroovideo
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