
Drive to Cradle Mountain

My next destination is Cradle Mountain and the popular Overland track in the Northwest of Tasmania. Here some impressions of the drive there:

Landscape of eastern Tasmania: Sheep, cows, meadows and fields.
Hydropower in the Tasmanian mountains: If I understood right, a whole river goes through pipes and generates electricity in several spots.
Mining has been an important economical activity in the mountains (and still is, I guess). Here is an old copper mine close to the mining town of Queenstown. Earlier open cast mines were used. Nowadays most mining is done underground.
Hungry wombat cafe in a remote area. Basically you can get everything here from fuel to telephone connection (there is often no mobile network) to cappuccino.
Ironically just a few hundred meters after the hungry wombat cafe there is a dead wombat on the side of the street. Generally there is quite a lot of road kill along Australian roads. Many animals like kangeroos, wombats, wallabies and opossums are most active in dusk and dawn or during the night and wildlife accidents quite common during those times of the day, I guess. One good reason to avoid driving during this time of the day ..

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