
Southern Christmas

Christmas time .. Quite strange here in the South in 24-30 degrees Celsius and bright sunshine. People walk around in t-shirts and shorts, some pieces of colorful Christmas decoration are on display, the supermarkets are full of turkeys and ham and Christmas music is playing. You see the whole scenery and can't help the feeling that something just is not right here :-)

Christmas feelings in Waratah, a former mining town
Christmas in Zeehan, also a former mining village in the West. Botanical joke: Tassies have birches as garden plants. I also have seen some Sorbus aucuparia here and there - trees which occur in nature in Europe but not here in the South. Just like we have some exotic species as decoration in our gardens. Which the birches growing there and the mountain in the background, the scenery reminds me strongly on some street view in Sweden/Abisko or so ..

Christmas wombat

Santa Clauses have entered a ship in an Eastern harbour town

Christmas tree in a rainforest lodge with pictures of rainforest in the background

Tassie Christmas shopping

Santa Claus comes to town - and she wears a t-shirt!

edit 27.12.
Strange but nice: Had a barbeque on the beach like nearly everyone here, went swimming and enjoyed the summer sun.

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