While the west coast of Tasmania is rainy and rainforests the dominant vegetation type, the east coast is much drier. You can find some rainforest here as well in moist and sheltered areas - but far more common are eucalypt forests and sclerophyll forests which are better adapted to drier conditions.
What you also can find along the east coast are beautiful white beaches ... and why not having some beach holiday on Tasmania??
Silver gull (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae)
Some weird jellyfish which has been washed to the beach
Pelargonium australe, a beach Pelargonium! Remembers me a bit of my childhood. We always had those red pelargoniums growing on the balcony.
Really weird is this stuff: Looks like Salicornia, grows on similar places (marshes and sheltered places close to the salty sea). It also has the same strategy against salt stress (too much salt sucks the water out of plant cells) with being succulent (having a lot of water inside to dilute salts). Well, it's the Australian answer to Salicornia, called Sarcocornia! (Sarcocornia quinqueflora).
Well .. and again the beach holiday turned into a botanical, ornithological and whatever-ical excursion ;o)
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